What 58 REALLY looks like (at least in my world!)

Feb 19, 2020

Hi!!! I'm so excited to be embarking on this journey and posting my first blog EVER! At 58!


I started the draft for this first blog post as I was sitting in the hospital room with my husband who had undergone a minor medical procedure. This past week we had two of our grandchildren over for the week while their parents went on a little getaway. The week before that I moved my 82 year old mother up to a senior living facility 10 minutes away from us.


For the last 6 weeks we've been caring for my mother in law (who lives with us) and navigating the world of home health care. Luckily she is on the mend.

LIFE IS FANTASTIC! We are lucky and blessed to have so much family - parents, children, and grandchildren.

BUT.....balancing it all ALONG WITH OUR JOBS has become busier to me than it was when we were raising kids ourselves! And we are older, so there are issues that come along with that!

SO BEGAN THE IDEA FOR MY BLOG - LIFEBALANCE AFTER 50. Just because our children are grown and out of the house, doesn't mean that balancing work and family becomes easier. In fact, I would argue that it becomes more of a balancing act than ever!

What to Expect from Lifebalance Over 50

A weekly blog (at first until I become more fluent with all of the techie stuff) on topics that relate to issues that arise as a result of this crazy, wonderful, new, and sometimes stressful phase of our lives.

I am so excited to be starting this journey and meeting a host of other people who are going through similar experiences.