Reflection At the End of 2020 – Random Thoughts and Impressions self-care Dec 22, 2020

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’d like to say in this post as we round out 2020 and move forward into 2021. I’m reflecting on the year in my world and wow. It’s really...

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Maybe My Redefinition After 50 Means Simply Creating a New Good Habit? redefining after 50 self-care Dec 14, 2020

I’ve been posting quite a bit on Life Balance After 50 on the topic of women redefining after age 50. And it’s often involved major redefinitions.

We’ve met women who moved to...

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Redefining after 50 Isn't Always About Work redefining after 50 self-care Nov 06, 2020

As I drove home in February from moving my mom to be closer to us, I listened to an audible book called “Do It Scared” and it got me thinking. I’d always put my family first and...

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Songs That Make You Sing and Dance No Matter Your Mood self-care Oct 18, 2020

I was driving home from a week long visit with my son and his family and feeling kind of blah. It’s October and we continue to be in the middle of a global pandemic. I had been looking...

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We’re Allowed Our “Things” – Our Guilty Pleasures self-care Oct 04, 2020

We all have our “thing” that we do that seems to defy our outward persona. Others might look at us funny when they learn of it, but we simply respond with a smile and something down the...

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HOW MY RELATIONSHIPS HAVE CHANGED DURING THE PANDEMIC family self-care the grands Sep 05, 2020

I woke up that fateful day in March to a panicked group of parents and co-workers. I work with kids on the autism spectrum and at 4 o’clock that morning, our county schools suddenly made the...

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Pandemic Losses and Pandemic Blessings self-care Aug 23, 2020

I was driving home today after a glorious week helping out with two of my grandchildren. I hadn't seen them since February thanks to the pandemic. As always when I've been with them and it's time...

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An Open Letter to My 25 Year Old Self Now That I’m a Grandma self-care Aug 13, 2020

Dear 25 year old Leslie,

I’m starting this open letter during a time of a global pandemic. We’ve been quarantining and socially distancing and it has given me a lot of time to reflect....

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Book Review from the Blog self-care Jul 29, 2020

The Things We Cannot Say By Kelly Rimmer

I finished the book, ugly cried, and decided that this book was worthy of a blog post. I loved the plot and the message, but most of all I loved the women...

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My Lifelong Anxiety Journey and What I've Learned From It redefining after 50 self-care Jul 20, 2020

Anxiety has been a part of my world and my being pretty much ever since I can remember from age 5-58 and counting. The CDC identifies several types of anxiety in children including fear of...

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(As published in Sixty and Me)

Everyone always talks about the importance of our morning routine, and I would agree that starting our day in an intentional way sets the stage for our...

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