The Value in Being Present as We Age being present self-care Apr 12, 2023

I am writing this blog post after returning home from an amazing weekend with family as we celebrated my mom's 80th birthday.   (Although she is technically my stepmother, she and my...

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Learning to Meet Our Loved Ones Where They're At family self-care Mar 05, 2023

In my career as a behavior analyst, I had the opportunity to meet and work with many parents of children on the autism spectrum.   

I watched them as they reeled after the...

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We Must Stop Censoring Ourselves on This Side of 50! habits redefining after 50 self-care Jan 26, 2023

It has been such a pleasure and a blessing for me to be working with so many women on the right side of 50 who are trying to figure out what they want to do in this phase of life.  


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My Realization That I'm in This Phase of Life redefining after 50 right side of 50 self-care Jan 06, 2023

Earlier in December, I decided to participate in an event put on by the coach in the blogging Mastermind group I'm in. 

I would describe it as a challenge to take an intensive look...

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Managing Our Feelings Around the Holidays After 50 family self-care Nov 20, 2022


Throughout my life, I have been that annoying person who, the day after Halloween, starts playing Christmas music.   My tree is always up before Thanksgiving, much to the dismay of...

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Don't Be Afraid To Say "No" habits redefining after 50 self-care Sep 26, 2022

This past spring, I was juggling a lot.

We women in this community juggle a lot every day, but it was one of those times where several major things were thrown at Chris and I...

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Growing Pains Don't Stop After 50 Jul 26, 2022

About two and a half years ago, I began writing and creating programs and content for the women in this community.   Life Balance after 50 was started at a time in my life where I was...

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I Can't Find the Time... redefining after 50 self-care May 17, 2022

This is something that I hear every single day from women in this community.  Truth be told, I've even been known to utter the phrase myself.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say...

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The Juggling and Balancing Act Will Never End family redefining after 50 May 08, 2022

It's been an interesting couple of months, to say the least.

  • Our granddaughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  We have been wrapping ourselves around that emotionally as well...
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Finally Taking That First Hard Step redefining after 50 Apr 12, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, I published a blog post centered around the topic of getting back into the swing of things after "life happens."   I'd been in a place where I had a great balance with...

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Moving Forward With Your Redefinition Goals After "Life Happens" redefining after 50 self-care Mar 30, 2022

Life was going along great!  I had found as much of a stride and balance as I possibly could between my various roles which included:

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Lessons Learned as we Lose Loved Ones on The Right Side of 50 self-care Feb 05, 2022


A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine who was only 48 years old, woke with a blood clot in her leg.    She died two weeks later.

She was young, vibrant, active and seemingly...

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