How Redefining After 50 Affected My Life (The Good and the Bad) redefining after 50 Jan 18, 2022

I know I can't be the only one in this community who, as soon as she gets behind the wheel of the car, starts to think.    

About everything and anything.

And, the four hour drive...

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Redefining your Work Life after 50 – 8 Questions to Ask Yourself redefining after 50 Jan 02, 2022


Redefining yourself requires reflection


As we enter our 50s, many of us begin to take a serious look at our lives. What are we doing for our careers or jobs and is this what we want...

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As my grandchildren get older, I've noticed that they have started asking questions and love to hear stories. About what things were like "back when you were little Yammi." Stories about their...

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Grieving the Roles You Leave Behind as you Redefine after 50 redefining after 50 self-care Nov 10, 2021

As we start to think about redefining after 50, we typically think about what it is we WANT to do moving forward, rather than what we might be leaving behind as we move forward. And this makes...

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Analysis Paralysis When Redefining After 50 redefining after 50 Oct 18, 2021


Analysis paralysis. That state of mind when we have to think and re-think every possibility in a decision. "If I do this versus that, then what are ALL of the things that might happen?"


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Why Fall is the Perfect Time for Redefining on the Right Side of 50 redefining after 50 Sep 20, 2021

For as long as I can remember, the season of Fall has always been what New Year's Eve seems to be for the rest of the world. A time when I would set new goals, begin new habits, and get back into...

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What Does Success and Productivity Look Like for You on the Right Side of 50? redefining after 50 Aug 10, 2021

I've had the honor and pleasure of working with and talking to various women on the right side of 50 since starting Life Balance After 50. I've loved creating content to help them on their journey...

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Steps to Take When Trying to Decide What's Next on the "Right Side of 50" right side of 50 May 05, 2021

As we march into our fifties and beyond, we may find ourselves wondering "what's next?" Many of us continue to be busy with family which often now can include grandchildren and senior parents. But,...

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Change - When our Fear of Not Doing is Greater than our Fear of Doing right side of 50 Mar 14, 2021

Myself, and many of you who subscribe to and read Life Balance After 50, are redefining. We are figuring out what we want to do in the next phase of our journey. Some are looking to develop a new...

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Book Review from the Blog: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig Mar 07, 2021

When a member of our book group chose this book, I was not sure that it was going to be for me. I love psychological thrillers and historical fiction. This was a book that was described as fantasy...

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How Can I Redefine When My Life's Circumstances Suck? Feb 21, 2021

I was reading an article in an online publication about finding your passion and making it happen at any stage of life, but particularly after 50. It related to a lot of the things I write about in...

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