Songs That Make You Sing and Dance No Matter Your Mood self-care Oct 18, 2020

I was driving home from a week long visit with my son and his family and feeling kind of blah. It’s October and we continue to be in the middle of a global pandemic. I had been looking...

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Series โ€“ Everyday Women Who Have Redefined After 50: Judith Pratt-Jefferies redefining after 50 Oct 10, 2020

What an amazing and gutsy woman. It was a joy to sit and chat with Judith Pratt-Jefferies and I look forward to many more interactions with her in the future.


Judith was a dietician who...

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Originally written for and published in Sixty and Me

About five years ago, my husband approached me and asked me how I would feel about having his mother come live with us. We had only been married...

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Weโ€™re Allowed Our โ€œThingsโ€ โ€“ Our Guilty Pleasures self-care Oct 04, 2020

We all have our “thing” that we do that seems to defy our outward persona. Others might look at us funny when they learn of it, but we simply respond with a smile and something down the...

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Virtual Grandma (Yammi) Preschool the grands Sep 20, 2020

As the Covid pandemic continues to affect us, schools across the country are all attending differently. Some are full time in person, some part time in person/part time virtual, and others are full...

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Blog Series: Women Who Have Redefined After 50 โ€“ Pamela Lamp redefining after 50 Sep 19, 2020

Wife and stay at home mom of 2, Pam started asking herself as her children were growing up, “What am I going to do after they’re grown and gone?” She’d worked in HR before...

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Introduction to Post Series โ€“ Women Who Have Redefined After 50 redefining after 50 Sep 17, 2020

I had been experiencing anxiety for some months around my job/career as a behavior analyst working with kids and teens diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Although I consider myself to be a...

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HOW MY RELATIONSHIPS HAVE CHANGED DURING THE PANDEMIC family self-care the grands Sep 05, 2020

I woke up that fateful day in March to a panicked group of parents and co-workers. I work with kids on the autism spectrum and at 4 o’clock that morning, our county schools suddenly made the...

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Changing Our Mindset Around Aging โ€“ โ€œIโ€™m Not As Young As I Used to Beโ€ redefining after 50 Aug 31, 2020

“I’m not as young as I used to be” has been my mantra for about 3 years now. I have arthritis in my neck. If I’ve been sitting for a while, my entire body cracks and creaks...

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Pandemic Losses and Pandemic Blessings self-care Aug 23, 2020

I was driving home today after a glorious week helping out with two of my grandchildren. I hadn't seen them since February thanks to the pandemic. As always when I've been with them and it's time...

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The Role of a Supportive Spouse When Redefining After 50 family redefining after 50 Aug 20, 2020

Many of us after 50 are at a point where are stopping to take a look at our past 50 years, looking ahead, and asking ourselves “What’s Next?” We’ve got years ahead of us and...

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An Open Letter to My 25 Year Old Self Now That Iโ€™m a Grandma self-care Aug 13, 2020

Dear 25 year old Leslie,

I’m starting this open letter during a time of a global pandemic. We’ve been quarantining and socially distancing and it has given me a lot of time to reflect....

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